It has been bought and sold in a thousand dramas. It has been preached about from every pulpit—debated, contested, condemned and exalted. And with no means to accurately measure or quantify it, the physical sciences either ignored it or denied its very existence. The human soul. With the answer to the greatest of all mysteries has come an entirely new understanding and, with that, the means to raise one’s ability to play the game called “life.” Read More
Let’s say that the soul is life, is the spirit, is the thinkingness, is the awareness or any such term which communicates to you the meaning of life and vitality. —L. Ron Hubbard
It has been bought and sold in a thousand dramas. It has been preached about from every pulpit—debated, contested, condemned and exalted. And with no means to accurately measure or quantify it, the physical sciences either ignored it or denied its very existence.
The human soul.
Here, then, is a discovery all the more remarkable for being grounded not merely on faith and belief, but on proofs as irrefutable as any in science. Using the most exact tools of thought to isolate the most inexactly understood aspect of a human being, L. Ron Hubbard established that there is, indeed, a soul. Moreover, the knowledge of its nature and characteristics finally resolves the age-old question of good and evil, not only in regard to a future life, but with immediate application in the here and now. For with the answer to the greatest of all mysteries has come an entirely new understanding and, with that, the means to raise one’s ability to play the game called “life.”